The Challenge:
To persuade young people (16-24 year olds) to make carrying a condom a habit in order to reduce the likelihood of contracting an STD.
To persuade young people (16-24 year olds) to make carrying a condom a habit in order to reduce the likelihood of contracting an STD.
The Solution:
Social Media Stickers
I wanted to create a campaign that covered print mediums as well as social media. Young people are heavily influenced by social media so I created a set of sexual innuendo stickers and GIFS that could be used on Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter and iMessage. The Durex stickers are available through GIPHY and are to be used in conversations and selfies and act as a reminder to use always use protection when having sex.
I wanted to create a campaign that covered print mediums as well as social media. Young people are heavily influenced by social media so I created a set of sexual innuendo stickers and GIFS that could be used on Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter and iMessage. The Durex stickers are available through GIPHY and are to be used in conversations and selfies and act as a reminder to use always use protection when having sex.
Print Material
The inspiration behind the campaign is of a forensic nature - ‘seeing the unseen’. The idea being that STI/STD’s usually go unseen and if people could see them, they wouldn’t engage in unprotected sex. I wanted the audience to have to focus on the image and try to work out what is going on behind the text as well as what the words themselves say. Breaking the text up also meant that words such as ‘ASS’ and ‘STI’ were visible and added to the suggestive nature of each poster. I wanted the colour scheme of the campaign to match existing Durex products in order for the audience to make the connection between the posters and the brand so the campaign advertises as well as educates and persuades.
The inspiration behind the campaign is of a forensic nature - ‘seeing the unseen’. The idea being that STI/STD’s usually go unseen and if people could see them, they wouldn’t engage in unprotected sex. I wanted the audience to have to focus on the image and try to work out what is going on behind the text as well as what the words themselves say. Breaking the text up also meant that words such as ‘ASS’ and ‘STI’ were visible and added to the suggestive nature of each poster. I wanted the colour scheme of the campaign to match existing Durex products in order for the audience to make the connection between the posters and the brand so the campaign advertises as well as educates and persuades.